Work With Me

As soon as I walked through the door and felt the calming vibe I knew I was in the right place.

Text message from a client following her first consultation.

Whether your health concern is an annoying little niggle or a full on major pain in the proverbial, it’s quite likely I can help you to manage your condition and ‘scratch that itch’.

There is a wide and growing positive evidence base for both acupuncture and herbal medicines in the treatment of many conditions and illnesses, including such things as pain relief, mental health & well-being, headaches & migraine, fertility issues, and many more.

Sometimes people choose to work with me because they’ve exhausted all treatment options that industrialised medicine can offer them, and they’re looking for alternatives. Others seek my help to complement their existing treatments, and some simply prefer to take a more natural approach to their healthcare.

It has been my absolute pleasure to help people of all ages from pre-conception through to senior years. My oldest client to date having been 92 years young!

So if there’s something that is making you feel less than 100% and anything that’s written above is resonating with you, get in touch or get booked in and let’s start working together to get you feeling better.

You can call or text me on 07903 645 102

You can email me on

Or you can hit the button and book online…